Top Free Keyword Research Tools of 2022

Written by Ethan He

January 1, 2022

keyword research tools

Keywords are the foundation for any Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) attempts to boost your brand’s visibility in the digital world.

These are the phrases that people use in Google searches, and these are the keywords that your business should target in order for your advertising to display to the right audience or for your website to rank higher in the results.

As a result, keyword research tools are essential in today’s fast-paced digital realm, where people’s searches are continuously changing.

Here is a question: When was the last time you looked past the first page on the search engine?

Search result ranking is critical for your business because if you aren’t showing up on the first page of searches, you might be missing out on a bunch of visitors and potential business.

In this article I will go over the top free keyword research tools of 2022!


1. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner should always be your first choice; after all, if you’re optimizing for Google searches, they offer the most comprehensive data.

It provides search volume (how many people are searching for this keyword) as well as information on the average cost of advertising on these keywords, which is useful in determining how competitive certain keywords are.

While this tool is free to use on Adwords, you must first set your view to “expert” in order to use it without first launching a campaign.


2. Google Trends

Google Trends is yet another free Google tool that visualizes the number of keyword searches. This is ideal for identifying seasonality or specific spikes in search volume due to specific events.

This enables you to plan ahead for specific events and put out or republish the relevant material to maximize your SEO during these popular periods. Such as Black Friday or Holidays.

It also allows you to avoid keywords that are on the decline, which rank higher in Google Keyword Planner on average searches but lose relevance over time.

You may also utilise Google Trends to uncover relevant topics / keywords that are more prominent and that you should be employing.


3. Google Search Console

While Google Search Console is only relevant to your site’s organic keyword search performance, it is still a valuable free tool that should not be overlooked.

You can discover new keywords that you may be showing up in a lot of searches for but aren’t currently targeting, or you can identify keywords that have been working well so far on your site.

You can also pinpoint pages or content that are performing particularly well and replicate your success, or refine the links that are underperforming.


4. Moz

Although Moz is a paid keyword research tool, I included it because it includes a limited free version as well as a free trial period.

It’s quite handy in terms of how it takes care of everything for you, from search volume to related keyword suggestions to a breakdown of how easy or difficult it is to rank for certain keywords.


5. Ahrefs Keyword Generator

The Ahrefs Keyword Generator is a fantastic tool for coming up with new keyword ideas. It allows you to discover up to 150 keywords rely on a specific keyword provided by you. They also provide a difficulty ranking system, which indicates how difficult it is to improve your ranking in the results.

Ahrefs Keyword Generator can also be used to generate relevant keywords for non search engine platform such as YouTube and Amazon.


6. Answer the Public

Answer the Public searches for questions, prepositions, comparisons, google autocomplete recommendations, and linked searches that are related to your keyword.

This allows you to acquire keyword suggestions quickly, but it does not provide volume statistics, therefore we only propose it as a supplement tool.


7. Soolve

Soovle is a search engine that gathers results from different search engines and displays them in one place.

Instead of having to hunt through each website, you can obtain all of the information in one place.

According to a comparable website, has roughly 80,000 visitors every month.

Just like Answer the Public, Soolve should be used to find broad topics which can be broken down into keyword targets.



There are numerous free keyword research tools available; however, I recommend sticking to one to two that work for you to avoid overlaps.

Beyond the tools and data they offered, it’s also crucial to understand how to turn those insights into actionable SEO techniques that can help your website gain more visitors. While the fundamentals are simple to grasp, we advocate seeking professional help to truly scale and grow your organization.

If you need help implementing any of the above suggestions, please contact me! You know I am always happy to help. 

About Ethan He

Ethan is a Full Stack Web Developer and SEO Specialist based in Pittsburgh, PA. In his free time, Ethan enjoys working on various projects involving Ruby, Vue and AWS applications.

Ethan graduated from The Firehose Project coding bootcamp in 2016 with a focus on Ruby on Rail and Computer Software engineering.